Do you ever catch yourself saying this?
Jan 25, 2020
I can’t. I don’t have time. It’s too hard. I’ll start tomorrow. Or next week. Or maybe next year.
These are the things we say to ourselves when we’re afraid.
Raising children. Running a business. Getting healthy. Doing everything we do on a regular basis is hard enough.
Then if we want to bring in something else, something our hearts are craving or our souls are curious about, it can feel too overwhelming, maybe even impossible. And the self-doubt creeps in.
So we stop. We shelve that wonder. Those dreams.
Truth? Dreaming can unlock possibility. And wonder can lead to freedom. We just need to give ourselves permission. Allow ourselves to consider what’s possible.
The women we work with often avoid the things they know they need to do to change their life.
Ticking boxes give us all a shot of satisfaction, but we challenge clients to think quality over quantity. Ten little wins feels different than three truly meaningful ones.
But how do you prioritize? Make room for everything? Get it all done? Without letting anyone down?
In order to make room for wonder, play, dreams and meaning, you have to give yourself permission to get clear, really really clear, crystal clear, on what is going on in your life right now.
Change starts with standing still. Like the nav system in your car: it can’t give you directions until it knows exactly where you are.
Then it’s up to you to:
Let go of those things that don’t serve you.
Have that uncomfortable conversation you know you need to have.
Wake up.
Wake up earlier.
Meal plan.
Get organized.
Set solid boundaries.
Change your belief system.
Ask for help.
Receive help. (HUGE!!!!!)
Design a new vision. Dream.
And then be ready and open to receive it.
We promise’ll get stuck. You’ll procrastinate. You'll make excuses. You’ll want to give up. You’ll want to quit. We know because it happens to us. To ALL of us.
You will feel RESISTANCE along the way. This is growth. Friction means you’re in motion. You have to push through that. Keep going. Take that next step. And then the next.
It’s hard until it’s easy.
And, the only real way to fail is by giving up.
It’s not too late to be the person you know you can be. To consistently feel the way you want to feel. To live the life you know deep down you were meant to be living. ARE meant to be living.
Just start.
You’ve got this, Mama. We see your POWER and STRENGTH, you’re AMAZING. And we’re here with you every step of the way.
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Tuesday Thinks.
TheĀ Weekly Email for High-Achievers.
Science,Ā tools and skills to get you off the struggle bus and out ofĀ overwhelm soĀ you canĀ enjoy the life you've worked so hard to create.Ā
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