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Why we drink

Mar 28, 2022

This weekend we met friends for après at a local hotel.

We were lounging on a sunny deck overlooking Deer Valley.

Spring Break was ON, like PC x Vegas.

Drinks, dancing, people watching (a group of grown men in onesies?).

Suddenly a man stands up on the rocks in front of us for a champagne sabering.

He made a speech about the tradition of sabering and finished with this line, “In victory one deserves champagne, and in defeat one needs it.”

Ok sure, sometimes when we celebrate there’s champagne.

We also celebrate in a thousand other ways.

We don’t need alcohol to celebrate. And we def don’t need it in defeat - oh hey, emotions!

Often when clients work with us, alcohol comes up as a topic.

Recently a clients’ family member was questioning why she wasn’t drinking. And if her coaches were sober?

We are not. However, when we drink alcohol, we do it consciously. We make a deliberate choice to choose it every. Single. Time.

How about YOU?

Ask yourself:Why do I drink?Why do I want a drink right now?

Because it’s what you do after a long day?Your kids/spouse are driving you crazy?People won’t think you’re as fun if you’re not drinking?Does it give you more confidence?

There's no right or wrong here.

Let’s understand what’s happening in your brain, what’s happening habitually from autopilot. Can you instead turn it into a conscious choice where you really get to decide how you want to be in your life?

And how you want to feel in your life?

Don’t forget to feel.

Schedule a Consultation With Us.

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