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You are the GOLD.

Dec 05, 2023

This is important. YOU ARE THE GOLD. 

Have you ever thought about yourself like that? 

Your friends - the good ones - will tell you this on repeat (you know who you are). 

When will you start believing them? When will you treat yourself the way they treat you? See yourself the way they see you? 

What’s holding you back? 

The haters’ stories, right? The critical colleague, the resentful spouse, the angsty teenager. Your inner critic? The overwhelming truth of the fact?

You’re not better than, they’re not less than - 

It’s just that YOUR thoughts about YOU matter. 

What are you telling yourself? Whose story are you believing? Why?

This is exactly where we go in our six month coaching program. 

What-ifs become Even-ifs.

Even if they don’t like it - even if you make mistakes - even if you’re not perfect or "good" or what they expect - even if you f*ck up - you'll always be ok because you have your own back.

It’s a shift. When you stop relying completely on the wobbly humans around you for your security and worth and validation. You’re even better FOR them.

YOU are the gold. 

Tell someone you love they’re the GOLD. Link this post. 

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The Weekly Email for High-Achievers.

Science, tools and skills to get you off the struggle bus and out of overwhelm so you can enjoy the life you've worked so hard to create. 

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